ChatGpt Guide for Product Managers: Use Cases and Top 101 Prompts in 2023 Chapter 1: Introduction Product management is a complex and multifaceted role that requires a deep understanding of customer needs, market trends, and business goals. As the product manager, it is your responsibility to guide the development of a product from conception to launch and beyond, ensuring that it meets the needs of your target audience and delivers value...
Internal and external factors in Swot Analysis in the fashion industry Swot Analysis is a tool used by business managers to set the best strategy for the business. Swot stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. So, the four components of SWOT analysis are further divided into two; Internal and external. Conducting the SWOT Analysis in Fashion Industry can be a tough task for many businesses; however, the Epiprodux tool...
Most eCommerce companies have an e-commerce manager or some form of UX expert, and some have both. But what does an eCommerce manager do? And how do they work with the rest of the team to harness sales-related insights? What marketing strategies can eCommerce Managers use to improve your online store? In this article, we’ll look at what an eCommerce manager does and how they can help you reach...
Cart abandonment is a constant issue for global eCommerce businesses, costing $18 billion annually. Companies invest in attracting prospects, generating leads, and guiding customers to the point of purchase with high-quality content and ads — only for a would-be buyer to back out at the last moment. Fortunately, eCommerce brands can reduce cart abandonment rates and secure more sales through various techniques, including RFM-based customer segmentation. What does that mean? How...
Nothing is exciting like starting and running a successful clothing dropshipping store. And if you follow the right hacks, you will be those smiling to the bank. Yes, a clothing dropshipping business model is profitable. And that's why we have detailed for you a complete guide for dropshipping business model of clothing businesses. And this comes in handy in helping you make every decision about your dropshipping business. With your own...
Adding new products to your online store without market research is always a risk. You have to be sure that your target audience has a reason to look for, purchase, and recommend any fresh additions to your catalog. A comprehensive testing process is vital to gather the most beneficial insights and build a valuable product. And that’s where the product validation process comes in. Two of the most effective methods...
There is an excellent correlation between the appearance of the retail space and customer relations. Consumer experience goes a long way to maintaining brand loyalty. Houseplants have much to add to the retail space apart from their beauty. With the increasing call for better customer relations, retailers are now beginning to realize the importance of using indoor plants in retail stores. The use of houseplants gives consumers a feeling...
Construction procurement is an integral part of construction management but is often overlooked. With the proper construction procurement in place, a construction company can avoid major setbacks and delays, which cost time and money. When building a construction project, finding suitable building materials and supplies at the correct prices can be difficult. Building materials are often difficult to access. To procure them, you must go through many complex channels. Any...


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